The College Development Council may recommend in consultation with the University or other bodies concerned, all such steps as it may think fit for the promotion, Co-ordination and raising the standard of education in Colleges and for the purpose of performing its functions, it may :
Function as a policy making body in regard to proper planning and integrated development of colleges.
Conduct surveys of all affiliated colleges, district wise with a view to preparing and maintaining as up-to-date profile on each college under the University, reviewing the existing facilities and identifying the needs and gaps that need to be filled up for the development of colleges and make such information available to the University Grants Commission and other concerned bodies.
Advise the University on all matters relating to development at affiliated Colleges, such as provision of adequate facilities academic and physical for raising the standard of learning teaching and research and its periodic evaluation for enabling the University to maintain reasonable continuity of policy in regard to development of Colleges.
Prepare a perspective plan for the development and opening of new Colleges, to enable the University and State Education Authorities to take long term decisions on the planning and development of Colleges and may advise the University on matters relating to different disciplines taught in Colleges at different levels of University Education.
Advise the University in regard to rationalization and implementation of University policy on affiliation of colleges;
Keep close contact with colleges with a view to helping them in their proper development, selection of teachers, development of student amenities, proper utilization of grants and efficient implementation of the University Grants Commissions approved projects and reforms viz. examination reform, Courses, COSIP, COHSIP restructuring of Courses to make them more relevant and significant not only to students, but also to the region as a whole by assessing the needs in respect of social transformation and regional development.
Review the facilities for Post-Graduate Departments of Colleges in terms of the norms prescribed by the University Grants Commission and assist those having the potential of coming up to the norms within a few years.
Help in the selective development of some Colleges to remove regional imbalance and also assist the Colleges to realize their potential and in identification of Colleges for conferring to them the status of an autonomous Colleges.
Evaluate and assess the impact of University Grants Commission's grants on the Colleges for the implementation of various development projects;
Ensure that the University Grants Commission's grants released to University for disbursement to Colleges are not held / locked up for purposes for which they are sanctioned and to see that the same is utilized other than those for which the grants are sanctioned and also ensure that these grants are properly and expeditiously disbursed to Colleges according to the guidelines laid down by the Commission.
Guide the Colleges in furnishing to the Commission utilization certificates and completion documents in respect of University Grants Commission's grants released / disbursed to Colleges through the University and help in monitoring the University Grants Commission's programmes implemented by the affiliated Colleges.
Ensure close and continued contact and interaction between the academic authorities of the University Post-Graduate Departments and the Colleges.
Review the inspection reports of the Colleges and suggest remedies for the defects and irregularities reported.
Perform such other functions as may be prescribed or as may be deemed necessary for advancing the cause of collegiate education and perform such duties as may be found incidental and conducive to the discharged of the functions stated above.