Department of Aquatic Biology is not only the University department of Gujarat but also it is the first Department in North India which provide thorough education in aquatic biological aspects to the students and researchers.This Department isstrenuously involved in the education, extension and research especially in the field of Aquaculture, Pollution & Toxicology, Fish Cytogenetics, Aquatic Ecology, Hydrobiology and Fish Biology. The department has produced a number of post graduates, Ph.D., M.Phil. scholars as well as skilled human resource for the fisheries development and management of Aquatic resources. The students of this department were awarded state, national and international research fellowship. Since the establishment of the department different research projects were successfully completed. This is the unique University Department which has NABL accredited water testing Laboratory. This laboratory provide service for analysing radionuclides in water sources. The department regularly organizes the expert talks to enhance and acquaint the students to recent advances in the field of the aquatic biology. The Curriculum includes theory papers, practical’s, field work, excursion and dissertation.
The extensive vision of the Department is to improve the skills and knowledge by educating students in theoretical as wells as practical knowledge. The department aims to develop manpower for serving the Society.
The Mission of the Department of Aquatic Biology is to protect, conserve and vitalize the local, regional and national aquatic resources for human wealth and health through its various programs and activities.