Education Department of this VNSG University has its origin from 1973. The education
department is the only Grant in Aid institution in the entire south Gujarat Region (across
seven districts i.e. Surat, Navsari, Valsad, Narmada, Dang, Bharuch, Tapi and UT of Daman &
Dadra and Nagar Haveli) that provide P.G. courses in the education faculty. The department
also has one self-finance unit for the M.Ed. programme to cater the needs of the students.
The department is a Teacher Education institute. The department offers M.Ed. programme
(having two units one is grant in aid and the other is self-financed) recognized by the
NCTE. The department also offers Doctor of Philosophy programme in the field of education.
The Department has the distinction of being a resourceful Teacher Education center due to
the pedagogical and research contribution in the field of education. Doctoral guidance is
being provided efficiently by the faculty members and about 160 Ph. D.s have been produced
till to date. Under foreign collaboration research projects have been carried out. Many
research projects have been financed by UGC, ICSSR, GUJCOST and other granting agencies.
This department has renounced recognition at National and international level since its
inception. Many state level, National level and International level Seminars, Workshops and
Conferences are being organized.
The department has highly qualified and efficient faculty. Faculties of the Department are
continuously involved in publication of books too.Faculties of the Department are also
publishing research papers and thematic articles in various National and International
journals and Magazines. The department has adequate and updated physical infrastructure.
To Be A Center Of Excellence In Teacher Education, Nurturing Education Fraternity Sensitive To Its Regional Needs And Equipped For The Global Progression..
"Out Of Conviction That Education is The Mean By Which Human Circumstances Can Be Improved. Department Of Education Prepares Professionals Who have The Commitment And Competences Needed To Help People Acquire Knowledge, Skills, Values And Understandings to Enable Them to Participate In And Contribute To A Complex Changing Society. To Achieve This Mission, The Department is Committed To Excellence In Teaching, Research, Extension And Community Services."