About Department of Law

In the era of globalization and competition, there was a vacuum of five years integrated law Programme and LL.M. (Human Rights Group) Programme in the south region of Gujarat. Hence seeds of Law Department were sowed in the academic year 2012-13 in form of LL.M. (Human Rights) Programme. Department of Law was established with the introduction of Five Years Integrated B. Com. LL.B. (Hons) Programme in 2013-14. The Legal Education Committee of The Bar Council of India has given approval to impart Five Years Integrated B.Com. LLB (Hons.) Programme vide Letter No.: BCI/D/390/2013 (LE) dated 07-08-2013. The Government of Gujarat has also issued NOC to the university for this Programme vide letter No.: DGJ/2013/1601/lch dated 13-05-2013. From academic year 2021-2022, the Department has introduced Masters in Law with specialization in Criminal Law (Law & Deviance) and Business Law Groups.

Department has 8 full-time faculty members with specialization in different field. In addition to the academic, the department is vigorously involved in the research also. Department of Law released first issue of research journal- Journal of Law with ISSN No. 2348-0718 on 11th March, 2014 in the auspicious presence of the luminaries. Department publishes an annual newsletter “Pioneer” every year.

The department is well-equipped with necessary infrastructure. The students participates in Legal Aid Clinic / Centre and undergoes a vigorous internship of 20 weeks as a part of curriculum component for Five Years Integrated B. Com. LL.B. (Hons) Programme. The curriculums of the course are updated as per the Bar Council of India, University Grant Commission and University norms.

  • Vision

    To evolve as a centre of excellence in areas of teaching, learning, research, extension and community service.

    To equip the students to compete nationally and globally in areas of legal profession, justicing and to meet the challenges of the globalized world.

    To strengthen traditions of knowledge and scholarship.

  • Mission

    To acquire requisite skills and expertise by organizing Moot Courts, Seminars and Workshops on socio-legal issues.

    To nurture the students to become the soldiers of justice in realizing constitutionally enshrined goals of establishing a just society.

    To organize programs for students’ progression and faculty development.

    To establish on and off the Campus Legal Service Clinic in civil society for redressal of unmet socio-legal needs.
