About Department of Sociology

The Department of Sociology initiated its maiden journey in 1970 to impart Master’s Degree in Sociology. In its due course, it started imparting Master’s Degree in Social Work (Self-Financed-2005) in order to meet the reciprocity of both the disciplines that cover vast ranges of complex gamete of social fabrics and forces. The MSW course is accredited by Council on Social Work Education Canada & USA. It also offers Masters of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy. The Department has been steadily growing and meeting the emerging challenges. The Department of Sociology is entrusted with the duty to cater the needs of tribal social ecology in which it has been surrounded with, and a vast number of tribal students opt for Sociology to understand their social realities in their perspective. The Department of Sociology has gathered and articulated vast empirical data from tribal perspectives. On the other hand, the Department has been equally careful about the growing industrial set ups and their related studies. This contrast between the tribal ecology and industrialization at the backdrop of post modernity is something the Department of Sociology has been empirically scanning over decades and has proportionately been enriched with. The Department has renowned faculty members with respective specializations to study industrial, tribal social settings, gender studies, vulnerable and needy section of society. It is pertinent to note that some faculty members are well recognized for their contributions at national and international levels. The students of both Sociology and MSW are rigorously involved in studies and sharing their experiences with the faculty in imparting and building knowledge.

  • Vision

    To impart excellent Programme in the field of higher education that could continuously respond to the changing social realities through the development of Professional knowledge, skills and attitude towards creating a people-centered and sustainable society. Of course, that will promote and protect the Dignity, Equality, Social Justice and Human Rights for all.

  • Mission

    In pursuance of its vision, the Department commits to facilitate the Development of competent Students of Sociology & Social Work to intervene in the interest of larger community at various levels to correct social pathology and bring social change to cater the needs of society.

  • Objectives

    The department started its journey with M.A. in Sociology with the following objectives:

    • • To explore, create and expand the horizone of knowledge;
    • • To cater the regional needs;
    • • To align interdisciplinary perspectives.