The Department of Gujarati (UGC-SAP-DRS-I) is well-furnished and well-equipped newly established department and sanctioned by the Government of Gujarat having donation from Mr. Hitesh Patel. Research work done at M.Phil. & Ph.D. levels include Inter-disciplinary Studies, Modern and Post-Modern Literature, Feminism, Partition Literature, Literary Journalism, Comparative Literature, Post-Colonial Literature, Tribal Literature, Minority and Dalit Literature and Linguistics, etc. The department has so far produced 28 Ph.D. and 7 M. Phil. students. The Department regularly organizes seminars and workshops on the thrust areas of contemporary interest. The students are motivated to participate actively in self-skilled and self-learning innovative activities through exclusive seminars, ‘Padya Sabha’, ‘Gadya Sabha’, Audio-Visual presentation of Literary discourses and films, etc. The Department has established an excellent linkage with different Literary organizations and associations related to Gujarati Language and Literature such as Gujarat Sahitya Akademi, KendriyaSahityaAkademi and Gujarati Sahitya Parishad, Ahmedabad and University GranthNirman Board, Ahmedabad.
To extend creatively in literary terms the consciousness of life and cultural values in a regional context to that of wider global range and complexity, leading to mutual enrichment and fulfillment.
To transform students into rational human beings as well as responsible citizens who are capable of critical thinking, analytical skills and develop a discursive bent of mind through language and literature.